=.=!!!! PPL!!! can u see my eyebags?? LOOK!!! O.O.------->> =.=.
This is the latest masterpiece by my 2 cousins. I will b in display at the lourve. It is called the zombified cousin with the super big eyebags looking for a super big cup of coffee. Damn...I only got about 6-7 hrs of sleep during the past two days. Sleeping over at my cousin's house definitely sin't good for health. But good for the stomach!! -- my aunt's such a fantastic cook...yum. We had lk choc fondeau (sp??), cream puffs, tiramisu n cheesecake 4 dessert. MMMMMMM....... chocolate (zombie...run 4 ur lives!!!!) But with such good food to fill my oversized tummy, how did i not plop off to bed right away?? Obviously...i wanted to stay up late too, but wat prevented me from sleeping in??
1) I wanted my smelly pilloooowwwwwwww............which i didn have
2) My cousin's room can b compared to the north pole
3) haunted by the corny scenes of cindrella story- my cousies wanted to watch cuz they havnt watched it yet.
which resulted in...drmrollllllllll....... 3 hours of sleep!!! and im still awake n functioning. I think ik need a super big starbucks now. Shall go get it.