Ah..the amusement of crossdressing. Never does it fail to entertain our sick and twisted minds....oHOHOHO!! O well, basically, this was the first activity that we participated in at camp. Pick a member from your group, and cross dress them using newspapers and rubbish bags. Not so surprisingly, all the jap guys got coerced or bullied into performing the embarassing feat. LOL. It was really, really funny. I mean...1/2 of them are pretty! PRETTY!! Oh god, we couldn't stop laughing for hours. After that, we played some traditional games, lk galah pnjg, ayam dan helang, and other malay games, at 2pm, under the sun in the padang. Burnt to a crisp lol. After everybody was pretty much worn out, they briefed us on the group performance the next night. Evrey group had to prepare a short performance, and well, let's just say that we weren't that ready. But that's for later. So....3 days, and 2 nights, no parents, and good company + junkfood = MIDNIGHT PARTY! haha...later that night we were just sorta lounging around, talking and eating. Haha. Girl's night in. The next morning we had a telematch, and, what can I say, I was feeling like an 8 yr (sports day!) old again, running around with water balloons and what not. It was rather funny though, cuz like, we didn't really bother to follow the rules lol. Trudgwed back to the apartment for a break, and we indulged in the luxuries of sacharrrines, caffeine (ir at least, me) and msg. Had lunch after tt, which was edible, ahha- I thought tt the food would suck, I mean, it's selesa homes. But, it didn't suck. lol. Then we spent the afternoon teaching the japs our culture. There was a wayang kulit project. Omg, we did a king kong parody, which was just plain weird. Haha, I mean king kong did the matrix and died in the end! LOL. Then there was this session where they were teaching the japs how to say simple phrases in chinese, tamil and bm. Later, more practice...then the dreaded performance. Like, i think 2-3 groups did their own version of the numa2 dance, and there was some singing, and yet another parody- a drama of snow white. And there was the drama Momotaro (jap legend) 2. As for my group, we sorta just sang 1 jap song (sukiyaki/ ue wo muite arukou) and ikan keke, and twinkle 2 star 1/2 jap n 1/2 eng. LOL. Damn....embarassing...i mean, only the twinkle little star song...lol. O well. Ah...then the real fun begins. FOOT LOOSE!! haha...basically was just dancing like a maniac and then had another junk food party after tt. and I broke a cup. LOL. Nxt morning, i forgot to give my cousin her toothbrush so she was sorta pissed at me all breakfast, and everybody was just taking photos and the like, cuz we were supposed to go home that day. Yea...so i took pics, sat there, played cards, o, did I mention that I shot BB gun pellets into the swimming pool?? hahah...so farnee...i dunno what compelled me to bring the bb gun along. hehe. at i tink bout 12.30, we got on the bus and went...home. argh. parents again lol. The funny thing about tt day was that all the three handphones that me and tracy brought up to selesa, they all died on the same day. Malang eh? hehe..o well, that was the lowdown on camp. Just updating my blog 4 the sake of updating...hahaha...hope you enjoyed the photo. hehe, like they say in japanese : ja ne!