Saturday, February 10, 2007

pk hacks ewah's blog

since she didnt update it, i do.

hahahaa. spamming la me.

okay me the hacker.

no lah, i not THAT chun. i only signed in as her.

oh well.

ewah rocks locks mocks :)

-love, piks

Sunday, February 04, 2007

in which the beruang juniors have decided to be annoying and my life feels lk a tape on fast forward

beruang juniors!! If anyone of you DO read my blog (i highly suspects that none of you do) STAY BACK WHEN WE TELL YOU TO!!!



so stop being annoying. and put some effort into actually winning the house cup.

____________________________________________________*end rant session*

I have to say that life as a form 5 student a tape on fast forward. It seems as if I'm busy all the time, and i can't say whether that's a good thing or a bad thing.

Screw TMNet for blocking limewire. They suck...but life isn't so bad. Thanks to fellow anime otakus I managed to get a new site to download music. The future may be bleak, but my life doesn't feel so bleak no cuz I've got new songs to listen to :)

After not being able to download music for 3 weeks, I realise how much music is a part of my life...i dunno. I listen to music when I, lessee, when i wake up, when i come home, when i shower, and..when I sleep :P. Wanna fight anyone??

as usual Im'm blogging because I'm bored, and there's really not much going rounf my head now except the stuff that I learnt at tuition just now. Electronics is fun. I dunno whether this is true or not but since electrical current exists because of moving electrons, shouldn't current be moving from the negative terminal to the positive?

Just wondering...

oh well...which way current flows is not my biggest concern. As long as I can use electricity anything's fine by me :P
